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So... apparently Blogger took down a couple of my walkthroughs because it violated their "Malware and Viruses Policy" (huh, that g...

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Otome Chat Connection - Izumi Suga Walkthrough


Otome Chat Connection Izumi Suga

*Emi's personal note: W A R N I N G !!! This boy gives off major stalker vibes. It's unsettling.

  1. Are you… from that dating party?

  2. Did we exchange contact info?

  3. I see! I was a bit surprised lol

  4. I know. I also feel lonely when I’m alone.

  5. Yes, I did!

  6. What about you, Izumi-san? Did you have a good time?

  7. No, it wasn’t a big thing!

  8. That sounds so romantic!

  9. Oh, yes, I went to a drinking party last night… 

  10. Thank you for worrying about me.

  11.  I see… I’ll be more careful.

  12. Izumi-san, you’re worried about me… 

  13. You flatter me with your words! Lol

  14. Are you asking me out on a date…?

  15. I would love that!

  16. I’m looking forward to seeing you as well!

  17. I’m glad if you are that happy!

  18. Did I tell you that? Lol

  19. Thank you for remembering that!

  20. What did we talk about…?

  21. Did I tell you that much…? How embarrassing… 

  22. You flatter me… 

  23. I want to know everything about you too, Izumi-san.

  24. Good, let’s talk to each other more!

  25. What about next Sunday?

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