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"Reinstated" Walkthroughs

So... apparently Blogger took down a couple of my walkthroughs because it violated their "Malware and Viruses Policy" (huh, that g...

The Dragon

Hi, I'm Emi!

Every dragon has its hoard, and mine happens to be otome lovers!

My first introduction to them was way back in… oh, I don’t know, 2013-2014? It was just before the games really incorporated challenges that had to be passed to continue the story. I started with the “Shall We Date” mobile games and was incredibly hooked on them for a while. Some of the titles I really enjoyed at the time were My Sweet Prince, Destiny Ninja, and Wizardess Heart. Because of them, I found Voltage games which developed Metro PD and was a big part of my first otome experience (I seriously fell for Hiroshi Kirisawa and he’s why I remember the game so much). 
Then life happened and I didn’t touch one for years! 

It wasn’t until mid-2020 that I started playing again, and thanks to the encouragement and support of my partners, I’ve taken it up as a serious enough hobby to make a blog for. The games that hooked me back in were Ikémen Vampire and Ikémen Revolution. Thanks to those two, I joined an otome Facebook group and discovered Piofiore. Now I’m at a point where I collect otome games on the Switch, Steam, and occasionally on mobile still. Have I considered getting a Vita to expand the reaches of my love? Yes. But I haven't… yet.

When I’m not romancing lovers, I’m either doing administrative work for my day job, building up my dance skills with KPop, hip-hop, cabaret, and burlesque, modeling, or simply being a homemaker.