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Friday, February 5, 2021

Enchanted in the Moonlight - MC Review

Enchanted in the Moonlight MC Header

**Reminder: this review is not spoiler free.**

As is common with otome games, MC is a fairly basic, average, and normal woman with some intrinsic or inherited trait that makes her special. In this case, she is the “maiden with the once-in-a-millenia blood” and whichever ayakashi she marries and is intimate with gets a huge boost to their power. Not only that, but legend predicts that their child will be even more powerful than her husband. Because of this, the major clan heads from the Mononoke Village pursue her.

Enchanted in the Moonlight Miyabi Chikage Shinra Kyoga Yukinojo Samon Kiryu

The protagonist has generic beliefs about love and intimacy, and simply wants a happy future with a normal (human) husband and kids. Fortunately, she isn’t too annoying, and the fact that she protests and stands up for herself is a plus in my books. Her conviction is a huge part of her strength, and Voltage did a great job of showing that across the routes. She also loves books and being a librarian, which adds to the depth and substance of her character. 

However, I find her morally questionable sometimes. A theme across some of the routes is that another guy comes along that is juxtaposed against the love interest, and she leans toward the other man despite the agreement she made. She justifies it because of love- or rather, the lack of love with her chosen partner- and because the agreement was made hastily under pressured conditions, but I still disagree with those choices. I know it’s just a plot device though, and ultimately, the protagonist ends up with the love interest selected.

Overall, she’s a decent character. She isn’t a pushover and has a sense of agency, despite being a damsel in distress. Opinionated and strong, she doesn’t necessarily back down against the ayakashi, but is aware of when to concede or- you know- literally gets swept away by their superhuman strength that she has no chance against. Her inner musings and conflicts are amusing at times, and while she didn’t make the game for me, she didn’t break it, either.

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